Helpline: +44 (0)20 8497 9295

Discover how much you can save on international roaming SIM charges!

Traveltalk Rates

Select country:

Making a call


pence per minute
Receiving a call


pence per minute
Sending a text


pence per message


pence per MB

Making a call
(pence per minute)

Receiving a call
(pence per minute)

Sending a text
(pence per message)

(pence per MB)

  • The rates above are for SIMs purchased after the 6th of January 2015.
    For rates for SIMs purchased before the 6th January 2015 please click here

Traveltalk Saving Buy Traveltalk SIM

Compare Traveltalk with your current UK mobile provider.
Please select your Current Provider and the amount of time you would normally call while abroad.

Using a
Traveltalk SIM
The cost of making of calls from
(p per minute)

Using a Traveltalk SIM
(p per minute)
(p per minute)

(p per minute)

Traveltalk Saving


The cost of receiving of calls in from anywhere in the world
Using a Traveltalk SIM
(p per minute)

Using a Traveltalk SIM
(p per minute)
(p per minute)

(p per minute)

Traveltalk Saving


Total Saving when using a Traveltalk SIM
Total Saving when using a Traveltalk SIM


Important Information:

  • An additional Connection fee may be charged if using SMS protocol. For calls from this will be charged at a rate of 4p (If the mobile network your SIM is roaming on cannot send us the call in the normal way, it will sometimes be sent to us by 'SMS protocol'. This does not affect how you make or receive calls. If this happens, we are charged extra to receive the call and you will be charged this additional Connection Fee for this call. Unfortunately, how the call is sent to us is controlled by the mobile network your phone is connected to and is out of our control).
  • The cost of calling your Voice Mail from is 12p per minute.
  • The cost of Calling Customer Services from is FREE for the first three minutes using helpline number 80404 and then 12p per minute.
  • The rates used to calculate the Traveltalk Saving for O2, Vodafone, Three, Orange and T-Mobile are based on their standard pay monthly rates (i.e. not within any bundle, bolt-on or add on packages) and are correct as at 24 October 2014.
  • You will get a mobile number, starting with +447452.
  • Calls made to your Traveltalk SIM number from the UK should be charged as Band FM11.
  • Calls to Traveltalk +447452 mobile numbers are charged at 16.8 pence per minute plus a call set-up fee from BT lines. Cost of calls from non BT operators & mobiles may vary, please check with your operator.
  • Networks we support (PDF)

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